Monday, January 27, 2014

Updated Data Sheet for VB-MAPP Tact and LR 2-7

Hi Everyone!

A while back, I posted some picture cards and a data sheet for Level 2-7 Tact and Listener Responding on the VB-MAPP and I have since realized that the data sheet was just not as efficient as it could have been! I wasted too much time searching for the items on the sheet during assessment and it was seriously annoying. So I decided today that I would make a new one that was in alphabetical order (searching for one item out of 50 is too exhausting when there is no real order!) and had columns for both Tact and Listener Responding since you can use the cards for both sections on the VB-MAPP.

Hope you guys enjoy! I am crumpling up my old data sheet for this and saying goodbye!

Here is the download!!

Monday, January 20, 2014

Winter Clothing File Folder Freebie

I have another file folder I put together this past week for you guys! This one is for non-identical winter clothing matching and again, you can use this as an opportunity to work on FFC, expressive/receptive labels, and even wh questions. I am also linking you to the file folder for the book The Jacket I Wear In The Snow from Making Learning Fun which has all the clothing items and their respective "shadows". We've been reading the book and one of my students immediately recognized the file folder pieces and associated it with the book - very cool! He said, "It's just like the book!". My heart melted like a snowman in the sun...

Download for Non Identical Winter Clothes File Folder

Link to "The Jacket I Wear In The Snow" file folder

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Skill Building Cheat Sheet for Trains!

Alright guys, here is a curriculum sheet for trains! One thing I didn't include on the sheet was if you have a train table with the "community" scenery on the background. I do not have one of those in my classroom (train time is either on the regular table or the floor) but if I did, I would have a list of different receptive instructions I would do with them regarding that. For example "drive your train to the pond" or whatever cool thing you have. One thing I have done that has been fun and used multiple targets at once is having them drive the train to different colors, shapes, letters, numbers, etc. Also, if you have some more advanced learners that are using imaginary play, incorporate that as well. Get creative! :)

Another thing to keep in mind is that trains can be used for matching trials and more "table top" instruction OR in a natural play kind of way - depending on what kind of learner you have!

Here is the download!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Skill Building Sheet for Bubbles!!

I am getting emails with requests for more of those skill building sheets so I think it is time to release some more from the vault that is my hard drive. Today I grant you a cheat sheet for bubbles! Seriously, what kid have you met that doesn't just go crazy for bubbles?! They are generally a big hit in my room and often how I get a first time student who spends their first 2 weeks of school crying to finally like me!

This one came from my school system's special education department... I just tweaked it a tad. Hope you guys enjoy!

Here is the download!

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Winter File Folder Freebie! (Non-Identical and Identical Matching)

Brrr the polar vortex has us all thankful for some time off this week at my school! In the spirit of the weather, I have two freebies for download to use with your students. One is a non-identical matching activity and the other is an identical matching activity. Although you shouldn't use the same file folder during multiple instruction sessions for matching (since the students will be able to memorize the placement of the materials rather than learning the matching skill), it is still nice to have it on hand for independent work tasks and can be a useful tool for teaching tacts for winter items. You can also use some FFC training with this! (ex. "Find the one you drink" or "Which ones do you wear?")

All you need is the coveted laminator and some velcro. Just print the identical matching pages twice :) I should also mention that I made the "non-identical" activity and my awesome co-worker made the "identical" one. Teamwork, woot!